Khadija Benamar

, Saad Ibnsouda Koraichi

, Kawtar Fikri-Benbrahim
1 Department of Biology, Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology and Bioactive Molecules, Sciences and Technologies Faculty, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, P. O. Box 2202, Fez, Morocco
Celtis australis is a deciduous plant used worldwide in folk medicine to treat various ailments, such as stomach disorders, cough, pimples, joint pain, amenorrhoea, rheumatism, menstrual disorders, and herpes. The present review aims to document and summarize different works regarding the ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemistry, and biological activities of different parts (fruits, barks, leaves, and seeds) of this medicinal plant. For data collection, Google scholar, Science direct, Scopus, PubChem, and PubMed databases were used. This study shows that C. australis contains several bioactive compounds, exhibiting various pharmacological activities mainly hepatoprotective, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Thus, C. australis is a promising plant that can be exploited in the treatment of various diseases.
Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:
The present review reports the ethnomedicinal uses of Celtis australis worldwide. It also provides a detailed insight into the pharmacological properties of this plant and highlights its richness in bioactive compounds, which can be involved in the development of new safe drugs, with no or little side effects, for human therapy.
Please cite this paper as: Benamar K, Koraichi SI, Fikri-Benbrahim K. Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of Celtis australis: A review. J Herbmed Pharmacol. 2023;12(1):54-72. doi: 10.34172/jhp.2023.05.