Implication for health policy makers/practice/research/medical education
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Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references. These should be numbered sequentially as superscripts in order of their appearance in the text and listed in a separate section following the text, double-spaced. All authors and inclusive page numbers should be limited to published works; unpublished data or personal communications should be indicated parenthetically in the text.
Numbered references should appear at the end of the article and should consist of surnames and initials of all authors when six or less (when seven or more list the first six and add et al). Title of article, name of journal abbreviated according to Index Medicus style, year, volume, first and last page numbers, e.g.
Fogo AB. Milk and membranous nephropathy. N Engl J Med. 2011; 364(22):2158-9.
Barratt J, Feehally J. Primary IgA nephropathy: new insights into pathogenesis. Semin Nephrol. 2011; 31(4):349-60.
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