J Herbmed Pharmacol. 2024;13(3): 381-389. doi: 10.34172/jhp.2024.44481

Original Article

Investigation of the phytochemical content, antioxidant activities, and antimicrobial properties of the selected South African medicinal plants

Mulalo Emelda Makhubele ORCID, Samuel Wale Odeyemi ORCID, Tracy Madimabi Masebe ORCID, Sogolo Lucky Lebelo * ORCID

Cited by CrossRef:

1- Ganafa S, Kwiringira J, Mugisha J, Walakira E. Barriers to treatment seeking for depression among elderly service users at Butabika National Referral and Teaching hospital, Kampala- Uganda. Aging & Mental Health. 2025;:1 [Crossref]