J Herbmed Pharmacol. 2020;9(1): 1-11.
doi: 10.15171/jhp.2020.01

Scopus ID: 85085913041
  Abstract View: 6213
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An updated review on Couroupita guianensis Aubl: a sacred plant of India with myriad medicinal properties

Lawrence Anna Sheba 1, 2 ORCID logo, Venkatraman Anuradha 1* ORCID logo

1 PG and Research Department of Biochemistry, Mohamed Sathak College of Arts and Science, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
2 Department of Biochemistry, Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science, Chennai-53, India
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author: Venkatraman Anuradha, , Email: vanuradha.2003@gmail.com


From ancient times, medicinal plants have been making important contributions to mankind owing to their healing properties. Their fundamental aspects such as safety, quality, and efficiency ensure the role of plant-based medicines in healthcare. Couroupita guianensis Aubl, commonly known as cannonball tree, is a member of the family Lecythidaceae (Brazil-nut family). Cannonball tree has gained worldwide attention because of its immense therapeutic values including antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimycobacterial, analgesic, antiarthritic, anti-biofilm, antidiarrheal, antifertility, antipyretic, antistress, antitumor, antiulcer, antidermatophytic, wound healing and immunomodulatory activities. Almost all parts of the tree have been used traditionally for treating various ailments. It has been reported that C. guianensis is a rich source of bioactive compounds, specifically the presence of isatin, tryptanthrin, and indirubin is noteworthy. The present review covers in-depth literature survey concerning ecology, morphology, ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and toxicological information of C. guianensis. This review attempts to summarise information relating to the medicinal value of C. guianensis to date in order to provide baseline knowledge for future works.

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:

This review provides up to date information on phytochemistry and multiple biological activities of Couroupita guianensis Aubl. establishing a wider interest in safety application to humans in future.

Please cite this paper as: Anna Sheba L, Anuradha V. An updated review on Couroupita guianensis Aubl: a sacred plant of India with myriad medicinal properties. J Herbmed Pharmacol. 2020;9(1):1-11. doi: 10.15171/jhp.2020.01.

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Submitted: 03 Jun 2019
Accepted: 23 Jun 2019
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