J Herbmed Pharmacol. 2017;6(1): 10-15.
  Abstract View: 4290
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Original Article

Extraction, identification and anti-inflammatory activity of carotenoids out of Сapsicum Anuum L.

Yurii Aleksandrovich Boiko 1*, Irina Anatolievna Kravchenko 2, Alexey Antonovich Shandra 1, Irina Anatolievna Boiko 3

1 Department of Physiology, Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine
2 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Odessa National University I.I. Mechnikova, Odessa, Ukraine
3 Department of Pharmacognosy, Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine
*Corresponding Author: Email: yuriyalexb@gmail.com


Introduction: Carotenoids extracted from dried peppers were evaluated for their anti-inflammatory activities.Methods: Determining the concentration of carotenoids was carried out by spectrophotometry. Anti-inflammatory activity was studied on the model adjuvant-induced inflammation. In addition, the total number of white blood cells was studied by microscopic method in Gorjaev’s chamber. The biochemical parameters of blood - cholinesterase activity and total number of seromucoids in blood plasma were determined by the commercial test kits for rapid analysisResults: Peppers had a substantial carotenoid content: Ukrainian bitter 2076 ± 10 μg/g of sample in dry weight basis. The yellow fraction was 69.3%, the red fraction was 30.7%. The linear decrease of inflammatory edema in the course of therapeutic use of carotenoid extract ranged from 20% to 50%. The application of carotenoid extract reduced levels of activity acetylcholinesterase and concentration of seromucoids in serum of rats with adjuvant-induced inflammation. The use of carotenoid extract in rats with adjuvant-induced inflammation resulted in reduction of serum cholinesterase activity by 1.3 times and double decrease in the serum seromucoid concentration.Conclusion: Ukrainian bitter pepper carotenoid extract exhibited good anti-inflammatory activity, with inhibited adjuvant-induced oedema formation and progression. The results suggest that the carotenoids in dried Ukrainian bitter peppers have significant anti-inflammatory benefits and could be useful for pain and inflammation relief. The results of this study allow to recommend carotenoid extract for further investigation as active part of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education:

The results of this study show that carotenoid can be as active part of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Please cite this paper as:

Boiko YuA, Kravchenko IA, Shandra AA, Boiko IA. Extraction, identification and anti-inflammatory activity of carotenoids out of Capsicum anuum L. J Herbmed Pharmacol. 2017;6(1):10-15.

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